Small Business Development
Small Biz Development


 Small Business Development

The role of small businesses as the primary drivers of local, provincial, and national economies is undeniable, yet within Aboriginal communities, their representation remains a mere fraction of their potential contribution. However, a resurgence is on the horizon, with Aboriginal peoples rekindling their historical legacy of fostering a robust and intricate economy. With even modest support, there is a notable resurgence of self-sufficiency and self-determination among Aboriginal communities across Canada.

The Tsal'alh Comprehensive Community Plan (2015) serves as a beacon of hope, underscoring the community's strong interest in receiving the necessary backing to initiate small businesses in Tsal'alhmec.

As part of our unwavering dedication to bolstering the development of a dynamic and diversified Tsal'alh economy, we are delighted to announce our upcoming quarterly small business workshops. As interest and participation continue to grow, we will also unveil Train the Trainer Workshops, empowering Tsal'alhmec individuals not only to enhance their own entrepreneurial skills but to serve as small business consultants for Tsal'alhmec, Aboriginal Financing Institutions, and other stakeholders dedicated to fostering positive change.

Here are the completed workshops to date:

  • October 25, 2016
  • September 12, 2016
  • October 13, 2015
  • July 29, 2015

 Business Planning Tools

The following small business tools are available for Tsal'alhmec who wish to start their own businesses. They are interactive documents that allow you to walk through and develop your plan, and create your dream, with information and support incorporated throughout.

 Contract Opportunities

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Questions? Call: (250) 259-8349